

If you have any questions, concerns or simply wish to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to send us a message. We will respond to all your requests as quickly as possible and provide you with all the necessary information.

Fill in the form below and send your request. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

Phone contact

+39 091 637 21 63

You can call us from 08:00 to 18:00 hours


info@officinerimat.it commerciale@officinerimat.it direzione@officinerimat.it

Live Chat

We provide immediate support and assistance to improve customer satisfaction.

What are the diameters that can be machined in Turnery?

5 mm to 500 mm

What is the maximum length that can be turned with Vs equipment

from 1 mm to 1000 mm

What types of raw materials do you process

Carbon steels, Alloy steels, Stainless steel, Super alloys, Cast iron, Bronze, Brass, Aluminium alloys, Plastics.

Do you have a minimum batch of Production?

No we are able to produce individual mechanical parts or batches of different quantities according to customer requirements.

For which industries do you supply mechanical parts?

The main sectors served are:
Automotive, food, earthmoving, racing, hydraulics, industrial automation.

Do you perform machining on cast or molded semi-finished products


Do you make assemblies of multiple components


Do you carry out Broaching machining?

Yes, machining is done with our own broaches or with broaches supplied by the customer.

What auxiliary treatments can be applied to the parts

Ri.ma.t Srl, through a network of suppliers, is able to manage the execution of additional treatments to particular products such as: Heat treatments, Thermochemical treatments and surface finishing treatments Chroming, galvanising, galvanic treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have further questions? Please contact us:

General inquiries

+39 091 637 21 63

